Wednesday, March 7, 2007
How To Keep Fit In The Workplace
You can participate in exercises at work to help yourself. Someexercises you can do while working are: Ankle rotation, backstretches, and tightening and relaxing the abdominal muscles. 1. A foundation for fitnessYou can contribute to your fitnessby using a healthy diet and exercise plan. You do not have tostart a fad, crash diet or spend hours daily at the gym. Tostay fit, cut fatty foods and high sugar foods from your diet,snack on greens and fruits and take long walks every few days.Many people can maintain a healthy body by eating salad forlunch and taking a refreshing jog every other day. 2. Prevent Obesity Anybody can become obese by for example neglecting themselves.Financial concerns usually takes priority over physicalfitness. If you often find yourself pressed for time because ofa large project or a looming deadline, there are a few simpleexercises you can do right in your cubicle to keep your musclesflexible and your joints strong. 3. What you should do Rotate your ankles to help blood circulation and to loosenmuscles and joints. Stretch your back often to help preventachy back problems. Tighten and relax your abdominal muscles togive your tummy some workout. You can do this in many placesbecause they're discreetly tightening and relaxing muscles. 4. Work Exercises Abs: Sit on the edge of chair, arms extending in front. Keepingback straight, contract the abs and slowly lower torso towardsback of chair. Hold 2-3 seconds and repeat. Curls: Cross arms over chest and sit up straight. Contract absand curl shoulder towards hips, pulling abs in. Hold for 2seconds and repeat. Standing Hip Flexion: Stand with abs in, spine straight. Liftleg up until level with hip. Hold for 2 seconds, repeat otherside. Leg Lift: In same starting position as above, lift left legstraight out to the side a few inches off the floor. Hold for 2seconds, repeat on the other side.About The Author: For more great fitness related articles andresources check out
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Good writing. Keep up the good work.
Interesting. I agree but not totally.
good idea
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